Friday, January 20, 2012

Like riding a bike

January 18, 2012 -
Well after three days I can definitely say that a lot of Spanish is coming back to me, but there is still so much to learn! With 8 hours a day and the fact that I’ve had all of the grammar and just need to “repasar” and “fijar bien,” I have been flying through lessons, but still struggling with basic things like those pesky pronouns. Today we started on the subjunctive and after learning it for probably the fourth time (starting in high school) I feel like I can actually use it in conversation. So I left school in the afternoon feeling great and then arrived at my host family’s house to find they had a visitor, a Peruvian girl about my age who now lives in Italy. She was fascinating but she talked so fast, telling these apparently hilarious stories, that I couldn’t keep up! I guess now I understand how people feel when they are talking to me and Kristy at the same time!

I also had a short salsa lesson today because the school offers classes and no one showed up so even though it was during my lesson, my professor suggested I take a quick break and learn some salsa. Which was perfect because my brain was fried. So now I know the four basic steps of salsa. Although I’m not quite sure if the teacher showed me the right way because I swear he kept switching which foot to start with. I guess I’ll find out tomorrow if I go again and actually dance with a partner.

Can’t believe its almost time to head to Puno!

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