Wednesday, January 18, 2012

La lluvia hembra

January 16 - Today was my first day of Spanish classes and also the rainiest day so far. The morning was fine but the sky opened up in the afternoon and it was frigid. Luckily I was inside, which I will be for the majority of this week because I am one of only two crazy students at the school taking eight hours a day of classes.

One of my teachers (we switch every two hours which I don’t think I prefer, but it does make the day more interesting) taught me a local saying about the rain. Lluvia macho (masculine) is short but strong and lluvia hembra (feminine) is light but long lasting. You can draw your own meaning from that but basically his interpretation was that when a man bothers a women (like catcalls in the street) it is strong but short and when a women bothers a man it is more sweet but long lasting, I took that to be a Spanish reference for nagging. Ha!

My classes were great but I definitely forgot how tired your brain gets after so many hours thinking and talking in another language. I was also starving at each meal. Today also marked the first appearance of my favorite fruit, platanos! For lunch they were served on the side of the dish and for dinner they were the main course  - rice with platanos and a fried egg. Sounds a little weird but so good!

Also got to chat with Mike and Mom tonight. Love you guys. Time to go to bed. I have to get up in the morning and do my homework. Good thing either the rooster nearby or the cat in the apartment wake me up each day around 5:30.

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