Sunday, February 12, 2012

Music, Fireworks, Dancing & Rain

Today and tomorrow are the last two days of the Candelaria festival so I thought I'd post some pictures and share a bit about it. I think once it is over I will miss spontaneous parades and dance parties in the streets of Puno!

Last weekend we went to see the dances in the stadium, which was a fun experience although as far as watching dances the parades are more up close and personal. Interestingly, Pro Mujer had its mobile medical clinic at the stadium in case of any health problems and it was so unexpectedly warm that day that the major health problem was that many of the dancers had gone barefoot and burned their feet.

Dances at the stadium

Sporting our "Yo <3 Candelaria hats"

Adorable little boy dancers
 Our friend Marita danced with a group. We didn't get to actually see her dance, but here she is in here awesome costume. (Check out the shoes. They make them out of recycled rubber from tires.)

Marita in her dance costume.

When the parade moved to the streets it seemed to lose some of the refined cultural and turn into more of a drunken celebration. So much so in fact that we called it an early night because the crowds were a little too raucous and we stuck out as Gringos.
I was waiting for the horses to charge the crowd at any moment. They did not seem happy.

This weekend the city is filled with many more tourists, however, so we are certainly not the only Gringos. Friday night the music and fireworks continued well into the night. I finally fell asleep at 1:30 and it was still going on at 6:30 when I woke up. Apparently it never stopped and they just partied throughout the night! Last night we watched parades again. The costumes were more colorful, many featuring masks, devil horns, and short skirts for the girls - an interesting contrast from the traditional rural outfits of last weekend. Unfortunately my camera battery died so no pictures. :( Last night was the presentation of the bands and my there were many bands! At one point we were literally standing in between a band playing on one side of the park ("we're with the band") when it suddenly started down pouring. Not uncommon here in Puno. So we raced backed to the safety and dryness of Angie's apartment and stayed in for the rest of the night. No fear though, there will be more dancing today and tomorrow! And Monday is a "día libre" in other words the office is closed. Although I'll probably spend the day writing my CE proposal and applying for jobs.

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