Thursday, March 15, 2012

T-Minus One Month

March 15, 2012 One month of work left at Pro Mujer and I'm half way there...almost. I have completed 5 interviews out of 10 (yay!) but only about 160 surveys out of 357. Needless to say the next four weeks will be very busy! Wait, make that three, because one whole week I'm traveling with Kristy in Cuzco. AHH!

I've mentioned before the frustrations of getting people to take a survey. It takes me back to my days as a telephone surveyor during high school (worst job ever). This isn't quite as bad since you are doing the survey to help the people you're asking to take it, but still, imagine you go to the bank to make a payment on your loan or to the clinic for a health checkup and someone asks you to fill out a survey. Not that interested, right? Now imagine they speak English with a terrible accent. Yup, now you get the picture.

Despite this challenge, I've been chugging along with the surveys. Sometimes I walk into a room and, after a short and incredibly important introduction by the credit assessor (someone they know and trust), the woman all agree to participate. Other times, I have to practically twist arms just to get one or two surveys.

The interviews are a whole other logistical nightmare. I schedule the interview usually about one week in advance so I have to call to remind the women. Sometimes they answer, sometimes I leave a message, sometimes it’s a wrong number. Then I go to the appointed meeting place and wait. So far, I have been stood up three times, twice by the same person. Today I started recruiting a few more women to take the places of the ones that probably won’t ever happen.

However, when I actually do get to sit down with women, it is usually incredibly enjoyable and rewarding. I get a peek into their routines, their hopes and dreams, what they are proud of, and how Pro Mujer has changed their lives. Some are hesitant to answer my questions, giving me mostly one-word answers, but others open up, smile, and say surprising and insightful things.  

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